Woodland's End is where the latest clean and green goods are found. Woodland's End was created as a clearing house - a link to the clean and green purveyors of household and personal care/cosmetics/skincare/makeup products. We wanted to create a place where you could get information on house cleaning with essential oils, buy the essential oils, and also do some fun shopping for gifts that are affordable and themed around nature. So - Woodland's End became the solution to our problem. We are still in the development stages, so bear with us while we navigate the new world of online sales & information blogging. "We love what you love! Birds, Odonates (damsel & dragonflies) and everything outside! Robert Palmer's song "Get Outside"...should be the theme music for this site. Our informative Blog Posts make it easy to shop while you look for the next rare ode or bird sighting and a list of Pelagic Trips in the Mid-Atlantic, plus a unique shopping opportunity, Ladybug necklaces and earrings, Red-flanked Bluetail Earrings (male & female), Barred Owl, Kestrel, and Grey Petaltail Earrings...Owl Rings, Owl Necklace, and so much more for nature-loving earring enthusiasts!" - Woodland's End Owner
We won't clog your inbox- if anything, we want you to feel comfortable reaching out to us to help you locate specific items you are interested in but can't seem to locate. Essential oils are a huge part of what we love and live with. We want to share everything we have tested and the best solutions for each area of your life. We are committed to using Essential oils to clean our home; they are always included in our daily routine from start to finish. From soothing diffuser aromas to refreshing soaps to sleep-inducing foot roll-ons, essential oils have enriched our lives and saved us from the barrage of unsafe chemicals in the products we use regularly. Go to check out EWG.ORG to check the personal care products you use in their "skin deep database" to see if they are as safe as you want them to be.
We are planning to add new and exciting categories to our site. We plan to add socially conscious clothing through a drop-ship program soon. Our Vintage finds down the road will excite those of you who are into collecting and maybe have an affinity for tchotchkes. It's all coming your way soon. If there is something you want us to carry or find for you, feel free to email us. WeCare@woodlandsend.com,look for a response within 24-28 hours.